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Rams Window Remains Open Thanks to Spending Strategy

Seattle Seahawks v Los Angeles Ram

Photo: Getty Images

The Rams strike again, adding another big name free agent in Bobby Wagner. 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe applaud the Rams for changing the league and tell them to keep riding their winning formula until their window slams shut.

Jonas Knox: "I don't know if it's if the Rams figured out the salary cap or they're just like, 'Let's max out every credit card we got and just move it on down the road and we'll pay it later.' But here we go again, another Hall of Famer on that defense."
Brady Quinn: "They've been able to use the formula of shelling out cash to proven commodities, All-Star players and it's worked. They've gotten to two Super Bowls doing it, winning one. And so why not continue to do it until the wheels fall off?"
LaVar Arrington: "McVay is almost like a young Phil Jackson right? He knows how to handle the egos and take care of those those high profile guys... They know the NFC is vulnerable and for the keeping, so how many can they get out of it?"